照片那样不会走样吗? 成品出炉后自己觉得还满意的.

食谱我用了 Alex Goh -" 烘焙密码"里的甜三文治面包, 而我只做了
100克 高筋面粉
60克 清水
1/4小匙 酵母粉
1. 酵母粉加入 20克清水拌均.
2. 加入剩余的材料搅拌成团,发酵 30分钟.
3. 用保鲜模将面团包起,放入冰箱冷藏隔夜或 48 小时.
550克 高筋面粉
80克 糖
6克 盐
20克 奶粉
10克 酵母
150克 隔夜中种面团
1粒 冷蛋
270克 冷水
75克 牛油,软化
1. 将材料 (A) 混合拌均, 加入已分成小块状的材料 (B) 以及材料 (C)
2. 加入材料 (D) 继续搅拌成光滑而且富弹性的面团.
3. 让面团发酵 1 小时.
4. 用手按压面团,挤出空气。切割成六等份,滚圆后让面团松弛 10 分钟。
5. 将面团杆薄后如制作瑞士卷般卷起. 松弛 10 分钟. 重复做法一次.
6. 将三份面团放入吐司模。
6. 待发酵至8分满,盖上盖. 放入预热烤箱200度,烤35分钟。
7. 面包烤好后立刻从烤模移出待冷.

Overnight Sponge Dough:
100g high protein flour
60g water (room temperature)
1/4tsp instant yeast
1. Mix the instant yeast with 20g water until well blended.
2. Add in the remaining ingredients and knead the form a dough.
Let it proof for 30 mins.
3. Wrap with cling film and keep in the fridge overnight or up to 48 hours.
Main Dough:
550g high protein flour
80g sugar
6g salt
20g milk powder
10g instant yeast
150g overnight sponge dough
1 cold egg
270g cold water
75g butter, soften
1. Mix (A) till well blended. Add in (B) & (C) and knead to form a dough.
2. Add (D) and knead to form a smooth and elastic dough.
3. Let it ferment for 60 minuets.
4. Divide the dough into 6 portions, mould it round. Allow it to rest for 10mins.
5. Roll the dough flat, roll it up like swiss-roll. Allow it to rest for 10mins. Repeat the step one more time.
6. Place 3 pieces dough into a greased loaf pan.
7. Leave to prove for 50mins or till doubles in sizes. Cover with the lid.
8. Bake at preheat oven at 200'C for 35 minuets.
9. Remove immediately from tin when baked.
The Sweetylicious 的
Aspiring Bakers #8 - Bread Seduction