3 杯 白米,洗净后滴干水分
2 对 腊肠
6 - 7朵 香菇, 浸软后切粒
2 大匙 虾干,浸软
10 只 蚝干,洗净后切粒
2 大匙 蒜泥
2 大匙 蚝油
1 大匙 酱油
1. 锅里烧热 2 大匙油,下蒜泥爆香至金黄色后盛起
2. 下虾干爆香
3. 下腊肠,香菇粒及蚝干爆香
4. 下白米炒香后下调味料炒均
5. 将已炒香的全部材料掏进饭锅里,加入2 - 2 1/2 杯水煮成饭即可
6. 食用前洒上之前爆香的蒜泥
很够味,很扯饭的一道食谱 !
ReplyDeleteHi there, thanks for dropping by my blog a while ago.Sorry to take this long to pay you a visit. Everyday was busy with house cores & cooking & updating the blog but today, I've decided to take some time to pay a visit to the lovely bloggers who have become my followers!
ReplyDeleteI was chinese educated but since I don't have much time here, that's why I write English most of the time, hope you can understand.
This "lup cheong fan" is the most delicious that I've seen so far. I haven't had it for a long time, over 10 years but I do have "luo mei kei" when I have dim sim here!