自从有了面包机后, 发觉自己对制作面包有一点走火入魔了.前几
次做出来的面包都不是很满意,总是不明白问题的出处. 有时面包
烘出来太干, 太硬.

满意的.面包冷却后切片, 里面是软软松松的.
其实这一次我一心以为会做不成功了, 因为在搅拌面团是我摆了
一个大乌龙 - 我竟然忘了加入牛油!没想到错有错着,这个面包还
Basic Sweet Dough Recipe:
Ingredients (A):
330gm high protein flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbsp milk powder
60gm caster sugar
Ingredient (B):
1 no egg, grade A
Ingredients (C):
120ml water
10gm instant yeast
(mix together)
Ingredients (D):
40gm butter
Method 1 (for mixer use):
1. Combine ingredients (A) together in a mixer. Give it a slight
blend before adding in ingredient (B) and (C).
2. Add in ingredients (B) and (C). Beat till combined to form a soft
3. Add in ingredients (D) and continue beat again until to get a
smooth surface soft dough.
4. Place the dough into a big bowl, cover with a piece of damp cloth
and let it prove for about 45 minuets or double in bulk.
Method 2 (for bread maker use):
1. Pour all the ingredients (A) into the bread machine pan.
2. Add in the beaten egg.
3. Select the function with "Dough", and press "Start" to mix.
4. Gradually pour in ingredients (C), let the machine continue
to mix and form a soft dough.
5. After 20 minuets running of the bread maker, it will give you
an alert to add in the remaining ingredient. I have add in the
butter in this step. Let the machine continue to run.
6. You can let the dough rise in the machine for until the times up
after it stopped kneading. OR
7. You may remove the dough from the machine. Cover with a
damp cloth or plastic wrap let it prove and rest in a big bowl
until get in double in bulk.
* I never use this recipe for my bread making before and I've
selected the function of "White Bread", let it knead, rise and
bake in the bread maker.
我也是有用过 Alan Ooi 的食谱,做出来的效果很好。