Saturday, 18 July 2009

Funny Cake again....

When I've finish decorated this cake at 2.30 am this morning,
I was wondering what is this cake looks like? In my mind, it
looks like a boob cake rather than a buttock cake. Actually
CM was requested a 'big' buttock cake with g-string underwear
look for her younger brother, Ivan's birthday, this is special
order from her mum also. I felt curiously that what's a funny

Further, my icing skill was not handle with care and good in
this time. I keep to remind myself that have to make more
practice, practice and practice.....


  1. lol I like the G-String!
    Hey where did you get the 'red gel" ?

  2. hi,thanks for visiting my blog.You are very creative!lol what a nice bum :) now I am back home in sabah and i hope i could have time to visit your blog often.Nice knowing you.Keep up creating more beautiful cakes.See you around bye!

  3. Hope you don't mind me asking what did you use to make the buttock?? They looked so real that I feel like "Pinching" the buttock!!!!!!


  4. This is sponge cake covered with butter cream. You want to pinching the buttock but it still not enough 'big' leh.....
