Monday, 31 August 2009

Fresh Caterpillar Fungus Chicken Soup

Today is Malaysia National Day, also a holiday for me to rest at
home. I have spent my whole day time in my kitchen today
for prepare some mooncake making stuffs.

Besides, I have cooked a pot of soup - Fresh caterpillar fungus
chicken soup, and the recipe goes here:

1 Kampung chicken
100gm fresh caterpillar fungus
15 red dates, cored
2 tbsp medlar seeds
2500ml water

salt to taste

1. Rinse the chicken and cut into pieces, blanch into boiling water
for a while. Remove and drained.
2. Place all ingredients into a deep pot, pour in water and bring to
a boil.
3. Cover, cook over low heat for approximately 2 hours.
4. Lastly, season with a pinch of salt.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Cutie Cupcakes


可爱就 post 上来了.


Friday, 28 August 2009

Birthday Cupcakes again.....

When I'm posting this, it's already midnight time. I've spent almost
3 hours to get all done for these cupcakes.

Those cupcakes have comes together with some naughty and cutie
decorations. I have decorated some of these with mini boobs and
sexy buttocks, some with winnie mouse head, piggy face and also
with teddy bear and puppy.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Cupcakes for YaYa

Today is Yaya's birthday.

All these cupcakes are made for her special birthday. Those
chocolate cupcakes filled with butter icing and with some very
simple, simple design!

Swiss Roll (瑞士圈)

这是在男友的要求下做的绿茶和原味瑞士圈. 因为要用来招待远

好长的时间都没做过瑞士圈了. 有接到的订单都是茶点聚餐用的

绿茶圈做得并不好, 圈的时候蛋糕裂开了, 有点可惜也觉得不好

加了巧克力粒在原味瑞士圈做点缀, 涂上奶油再挤些鲜草莓泥,

Monday, 24 August 2009

I Love Your Blog Award

This is another big surprise to me from Zurin of Cherry on a Cake.
Warmest thanks to Zurin again to awarded this to my blog.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Sausage Buns

I still very happy when I'm updating my blog for this post. Those
buns I have made was comes out soft and nice.

I have used my bread machine to mixing the dough by the dough
making function. I left the dough proof in the machine until the
times up; take out the dough and shape it.

After removed the bun from the oven, I have spread those buns
topping with some mayonnaise and sprinkle with dried bonito

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Baked Cheesecake (芝士蛋糕)



这是一个原味芝士蛋糕, 我同时把草莓泥和巧克力酱加入了蛋
糕里, 吃起来有两种味道溶在嘴里.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Century Egg Bean Curd (皮蛋豆腐)

这一道皮蛋豆腐是我在本市一家卖台湾粥和小菜吃到的. 最近到
回这家卖粥小店去, 才发觉到已没有了这项菜单了.

我超爱吃皮蛋, 可是因为健康问题所以我已经很少吃了. 突然心
血来潮很想再品尝这道菜, 就自己动手做出来了.虽然其味道和
卖粥小店有点差别, 还是让我吃得大快耳殒.

如果各位博友有兴趣, 也和我一样喜欢吃皮蛋, 或许可以尝试

2支 蛋豆腐
2粒 皮蛋

6辨 蒜米, 切幼
2tbsp 菜油


2tbsp 生抽
1/2tsp 麻油
2tbsp 清水
少许 胡椒粉

1. 蒸锅煮滚热水备用.
2. 将蛋豆腐切片后排在蒸盘上. 以中火蒸 8 分钟.
3. 蒸好后, 将豆腐盛起再倒掉蒸盘里的水.
4. 将皮蛋切片后排在豆腐上.
5. 在另一个锅烧热菜油,将蒜米碎爆香. 盛起.
6. 把汁料拌均淋在豆腐上, 再淋上蒜米油.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

My Heavy Lunch (自制披萨)

I have made this "heavy" pizza for my lunch this afternoon. I
call this heavy pizza because I was used not much ingredients
but in more quantities.

I bought a 300gm of mozzarella cheese since more than 1 week
for my seafood baked rice. Unfortunately, I can't found a fresh
seafood in the wet market recently maybe of the raining season.
I've decided to make my first pizza to finish the cheese at last, also
because I found this pizza base recipe from a cuisine magazine in
few months ago.

Pizza Base recipe:

1 tbsp instant yeast
150ml warm water
1 tbsp castor sugar
2 tbsp high protein flour

1. Combine all ingredients above in a bowl. Mix well.
2. Leave to proof for 15 minuets.

250gm high protein flour
2 tbsp milk powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp corn oil

1. Add all ingredients B into a mixer.
2. Add in proofed ingredients A, mix with dough hock to form a
soft, smooth and elastic dough.
3. Cover dough with towel in a warm place and let it proof for
40 minuets or double in bulk.
4. Use rolling pin to stretch out dough, place in a greased 10'
round pizza pan.
5. Using folk to make some hole on the dough, let it rise for
further 30 minuets.
6. Bake in preheat oven at 200'C for about 5 minuets.
7. Remove from oven and ready to use.

Topping filling:

1 red capsicum, diced
10 stick crab stick, cut cube
1 tin pineapple cubes / ring (small tin), cut cube
1 onion, sliced
250gm mozzarella cheese, grated
1 tsp pizza mix
some salt, pepper

1. Arrange all the topping ingredients onto the baked pizza
2. Baked at preheat oven at 200'C for about 15 minuets.

* Topping filling are depends on your own choice.

Saturday, 15 August 2009


最近的天气烟霾很重, 适逢侵流感来攻;自己本身的健康都是在很

这款腐竹白果糖水是男友突然心血来潮提出的. 家里橱柜上尚剩
一罐薏米粒,他就说不如煮一锅汤水来兹润肠胃吧.说着说着, 又
加腐竹又加白果, 就煮成了这锅糖水了.

我从来不曾用白果来烹调, 只在外喝有附加白果的糖水时才有
吃到.而这一次,从剥开硬壳, 揉去外层的皮再去果蕊的繁复步
骤,真的不是一,两分钟就能完成的. 可是,当一锅你用心煮的糖
水出炉后, 家人吃得津津有味时, 你也会觉得安慰.

200gm 薏米粒
2 Litre 清水

1包 腐竹片, 浸软和撕小片
100gm 白果


1. 将清水和薏米粒以大火煮滚再转小火煮大约半小时.
2. 加入白果再煮一小时.
3. 将浸软的腐竹片和冰糖加入再煮多十五分钟就可趁热享用了.


Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Ping Pei Mooncake (Recipe)

240gm koh fan (cooked glutinous flour)
220gm icing sugar, sifted

350ml cold boiled water
1/4tsp pandan paste
some green colouring
(Mix together)

3tbsp shortening

Filling :
some red bean paste / lotus paste

Mooncake mould (wooden is better)


1. Divide the filling at 120gm each, roll each filling become a
ball size.
2. Mix koh fan and sifted icing sugar into mixing bowl.
3. Slightly mix the above with "K" beater at low speed.
4. Gradually pour in the cold water while machine running until
a soft dough is form.
5. Add in shortening and continue to beat until all mixture
well combined.
6. Take out the ping pei dough from mixing bowl, divide it at
80gm each.
7. Roll the ping pei dough into a round shape till enough to cover
the filling.
8. Wrap the ping pei dough with the filling and sprinkle with some
koh fan before press it into the mooncake mould.

* Can reduce the sweetness

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Ping Pei Mooncake (冰皮月饼)


今年, 我为自己作了一个新尝试 - 制作冰皮月饼.之前我总觉得冰
烘焙好友 VY 的指示后, 我把制作月饼的工具准备好, 就开始制作

从量秤材料到搅拌成团, 再把馅料包入后压出模型, 真的不难处理.

其实我本身并不喜欢吃月饼, 因为其馅料太甜了. 有的话只会选吃
QQ的感觉, 连阿姨, 和家人都喜欢吃.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Playing with dough again

过去的假日, 我把休息时间放在搓面团上.这一次小心翼翼的跟随
食谱的步骤,用面包机从面粉搅拌成面团, 再有面团分成小粒的甜

I've used this basic sweet dough recipe to make those buns. I
removed the dough into a big bowl from my bread maker after
it stopped kneading; and let it prove for about 45 minuets.

This sweet dough is really easy to handling, it won't be sticky
and also no need to sprinkle with more flour when you knead
or roll the dough on table.

American Ginseng Slices Chicken Soup (泡参片鸡汤)

我很喜欢喝这道汤, 因为它的味道很甘甜. 我平时只用泡参片来泡

泡参的功用除了让 睡眠不足者降虚火;也能为免疫能力低或体质


1 Kampong Chicken (甘榜鸡)
3 tbsp qi-zi (枸子)
10-15gm ginseng slices(泡参片),
2500ml water (清水)

salt (盐)


1. Clean the chicken and cut to pieces.
2. Soaked the qi-zi with enough water until soft. Drained.
3. washed the ginseng slices and drained.
4. Put all the ingredients into a pot cook at high heat until
boiling for about 10 minuets, turn to low heat and continue to
cook another 2 hour.
5. Add in salt to taste.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Basic Sweet Dough (基本甜面包)

自从有了面包机后, 发觉自己对制作面包有一点走火入魔了.前几
次做出来的面包都不是很满意,总是不明白问题的出处. 有时面包
烘出来太干, 太硬.

这一次我选用了 ALAN OOI 的面包食谱, 制作出来的面包还让我
满意的.面包冷却后切片, 里面是软软松松的.

其实这一次我一心以为会做不成功了, 因为在搅拌面团是我摆了
一个大乌龙 - 我竟然忘了加入牛油!没想到错有错着,这个面包还

Basic Sweet Dough Recipe:

Ingredients (A):
330gm high protein flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tbsp milk powder
60gm caster sugar

Ingredient (B):
1 no egg, grade A

Ingredients (C):
120ml water
10gm instant yeast
(mix together)

Ingredients (D):
40gm butter

Method 1 (for mixer use):

1. Combine ingredients (A) together in a mixer. Give it a slight
blend before adding in ingredient (B) and (C).
2. Add in ingredients (B) and (C). Beat till combined to form a soft
3. Add in ingredients (D) and continue beat again until to get a
smooth surface soft dough.
4. Place the dough into a big bowl, cover with a piece of damp cloth
and let it prove for about 45 minuets or double in bulk.

Method 2 (for bread maker use):
1. Pour all the ingredients (A) into the bread machine pan.
2. Add in the beaten egg.
3. Select the function with "Dough", and press "Start" to mix.
4. Gradually pour in ingredients (C), let the machine continue
to mix and form a soft dough.
5. After 20 minuets running of the bread maker, it will give you
an alert to add in the remaining ingredient. I have add in the
butter in this step. Let the machine continue to run.
6. You can let the dough rise in the machine for until the times up
after it stopped kneading. OR
7. You may remove the dough from the machine. Cover with a
damp cloth or plastic wrap let it prove and rest in a big bowl
until get in double in bulk.

* I never use this recipe for my bread making before and I've
selected the function of "White Bread", let it knead, rise and
bake in the bread maker.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Cupcakes again

I've received a few cupcake order. I also found that these
chocolate cupcakes are the most popular cupcake from my
order recently, rather than the vanilla cupcake.

I get this order from my classmate for her family gathering.
Those mini cupcakes with simple decoration of butter cream
and some sugar paste flowers or butterflies.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Vegie Roll (妈密火腿蔬菜卷)

I like to take Vegiemite together with my dish when I was young
even until today. I get this vegie roll recipe from Agnes Chang's
recipe book.

I just got my bread maker recently, and makes me so much
easier in bread making. I don't have to use my mixer to knead
the dough; and just have to get all the ingredients ready and
let the machine do all the work. By the way, I've used another
dough recipe for this dough base.

Here are the recipe:

330gm bread flour
20gm milk powder
11gm instant yeast
60gm sugar
1/4 tsp salt
230ml fresh milk, cold

55gm butter, soften

1 onion, chopped
150gm ham, chopped (I substituted with chopped sausage)
200gm mixed vegetables
1/4 tsp pepper

Some vegiemite or marmite

(D): Glazing
1 beaten egg
1/8 tsp salt

(E): Topping
Some chopped ham
30gm melted butter

1. Mix all dough ingredients together except butter and beat till
smooth dough is formed.
2. Add in butter and continue beating for another 10 mins.
3. Cover with cling wrap and leave to prove for 45 mins.
4. Mix all ingredients (D) together. Set aside.
5. Roll the dough until 14" square size.
6. Spread vegiemite or marmite on the dough. Leave about 2cm
border all around.
7. Sprinkle mixed ingredients (D) on top of the vegiemite or
marmite covered area.
8. Roll the dough as make a swiss roll.
9. Cut the dough into 4cm thick pieces; place them with the cut
side up onto a greased square tin.
10. Glaze with glazing. Sprinkle again with extra chopped ham
and leave to rise until double in bulk. (about 45 mins to 1 hour)
11. Bake in preheat oven at 200'C for 20 mins. or cooked until
golden brown.
12. Remove from oven and brush with melted butter.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Tomato Bean Curd Fish Head Soup (番茄豆腐鱼头汤)

星期日早上起得早, 争取时间到菜市兜了一圈.这一道豆腐鱼头汤

4块 白豆腐, 切块状
4粒 番茄, 切角状
1粒 榨菜, 切片
2粒 水酸梅
3-4个 中型鱼头
5片 生姜, 稍微拍烂
2.5L 清水

1. 鱼头洗净,滴干水.以适量热油煎黄.
2. 将全部材料下锅以大火煮滚后再转小火煮两个小时.

因为榨菜和水酸梅本身带有咸味, 这锅汤煮好后不下盐也是很入

Cupcakes for Jordon (巧克力小蛋糕)

I've made these chocolate cupcakes for Jordon's full moon
celebration on last Saturday.

用了奶油淇淋作装饰,再用FONDANT ICING切割出字母.
